More May brewery news

After a monster week of processing and bottling, I’m very pleased to say that Whoosh, UPA, Premium IPA and Saison are all back in stock this week, both in bottle and mini pin.
First off, this means that we’ll be able to get out all outstanding online orders this week- thank you all for being patient while we restocked. Also, we’ve got a full crew working (safely, obviously!) which means we’re finally getting ahead of ourselves on the brew schedule for the first time since March!

Again, being so busy has been a lovely problem to have at this very uncertain time, and we so appreciate the support we’ve had from you. It looks as though pubs are still no closer to reopening, however, so we’ll keep you stocked with fine ales at home until they do. If you’re local, we’re delivering from Chepstow to Cardiff to Abergavenny (please call the brewery to arrange) and our excellent couriers can get cases to you anywhere in the country.

As ever, we all hope that you’re surviving in good form, and that we’re helping in a small way.

Take care, stay safe.

The Untapped Team
